In this country, when we disagree with a piece of proposed legislation, we don't flock into and shut down statehouses. And our elected representatives don't flee the state in order to avoid any vote occurring on that legisation. Yet, those acts are precisely what's occurred today in Wisconsin when it comes to democrat party lawmakers and protesters of the legislation (many of whom I have little doubt have been trucked in from out of state by democrat party interests).
It's the sort of thing they might do in Europe. Or the Middle East. But not here. In America, elected lawmakers vote on controversial legislation all the time. If you oppose the legislation, then protest outside the statehouse or Congress to your little heart's content. Write letters. Call your elected representative.
And if unpopular legislation passes into law despite protests and objections, then those whose rights are allegedly violated by the law can challenge it in a court of law on constitutional grounds. Others opponents can push lawmakers in the future to repeal or change the law.
It's called the way we do things in a civilized society. It's the American way. But if you want to live like a wild animal, and if you want to live in anarchy, then head up to Wisconsin, apparently.
Today's events would be akin to the tea partiers rolling into the chambers of the U.S. House and Senate in order to prevent a vote on Obama & The Dems' unpopular and highly controversial health care law [Wasserman Schultz Edit: "ObamaCare"]. Today would also be akin to all of the republican lawmakers in DC fleeing the country so that no quorum could be present allowing the health care bill [ObamaCare] to be voted upon.
I was a hugely vocal opponent of the health care monstrosity [ObamaCare], but if right-winger tea partiers and GOP lawmakers had pulled the same shenanigans that the democrat party and their protesters are pulling today in Wisconsin, I would have denounced them just as harshly as I denounce today's participants. Such participants should not be heroes of anyone. Not in America.