In the build up to and aftermath of Hosni Mubarak's abdication of his dictatorship in Egypt, all we heard from the left-leaning "mainstream" media was (1) how the protests in Egypt were some great and wonderful democratic movement and (2) how Obama should be praised for his incredible "handling" of the situation and his support for the protesters.
And when CBS reporter Lara Logan was brutally and repeatedly raped by a gang of Egyptian slimes on the streets of Cairo in the "celebration" following Mubarak's ouster, such an occurrence didn't fit too well with the ol' agenda, apparently. Because what did CBS do with this highly newsworthy story? Ignore it, of course! What else?! Just like propaganda outfit Al Jazeera ignored it (nice company there, CBS). Just hope it goes away, right?
As the linked Boston Herald column by Michael Graham states: "They sat on their own story. For five days, as reporters reveled amid giddy celebrations in Tahrir Square, and as President Obama praised President Obama's handling of the Egyptian crisis, CBS reported nothing. Only when other media had the story did CBS break the news that its own foreign correspondent was the victim of 'a brutal and sustained sexual assault.' "
What's more, the additional fact that these Egyptian sleazebuckets were yelling "Jew! Jew!" while they attacked Logan has been suppressed altogether by CBS News, appearing only in a story in one of my favorite publications, the New York Post. And only the Wall Street Journal reported that "the separation and assault lasted roughly 20 to 30 minutes."
Asks Michael Graham: "How is that not news?" Indeed. Of course it's very much news, but it just didn't jive with the "mainstream" media's near-euphoria over the Egyptian situation and Obama's "handling" of it. And it really didn't jive with the Obama's administration's agenda of downplaying or ignoring anything that might portray an Islamic person in a bad or radical light.
So it would seem that CBS simply ignored the story for as long as it could, and then only acknowledged the bare minimum in terms of the facts surrounding the story. I'm sure it also didn't hurt that the American far left already disdains Logan over her past statements defending Gen. Stanley McChrystal in the wake of the Rolling Stone story regarding him.
I would proclaim that CBS News should be ashamed of itself for trying to ignore this story, but what would be new in that? Helping out the leftist agenda is the staple of such "mainstream" media outlets as CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, New York Times, etc., etc. (and yes, it's just like propping up the right-wing agenda is the purview of such outlets as Fox News).
Put another way, just another instance demonstrating that these news outlets are so incessantly and completely biased to one political side or the other is pretty old news to me. So much so, that I questioned even using this as a blog post topic today. Railing against media bias is so old.
But I guess the awful thought of what Logan went through at the hands of those peaceful and wonderfully democratic Egyptian protesters -- who were only encouraged to take to the streets by Obama rhetoric -- was just a little too much for me to ignore. But not for CBS News.