Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Take-It-Back Tuesday: The CRUNCH You Hear Is the Sound of the Independent Horde Puttin' a Boot in the Ass of the Democrat Party.

...and it couldn't happen to nicer bunch of leftists, whom CNN projects have lost the U.S. House tonight (and will be losing a number of U.S. Senate seats) a mere two years after winning a dominating majority in both chambers of Congress. But to the deranged right-wingers, tea partiers and republican party: Don't rest easy tonight, because your butts will be on the line too in 2012.

To both parties with which America is stuck: As always, we Independents will continue to decide your elections and we'll have a close eye on every damn thing you both do over the next two years -- that's a guaran-damn-tee. You both may despise us and not want to pay much attention to us, but you damn sure better respect the power we wield in your elections.
