Friday, July 30, 2010

Obama Caught in Apparent Lie About, Of All Things, Snooki?! If He'd Lie About That, What Else Would He Lie About?

As hyped by such websites as over the past day (link at bottom), Obama's appearance on The View yesterday included his claim of ignorance as to Jersey Shore star Snooki. "I don't know who that is," crowed his majesty. The only problem:

Two months ago at the White House Hollywood (errrr, "Press Correspondents") Dinner, Obama showed off that wonderfully wry wit of his, quipping: "It [the provision] reads, 'The following individuals shall be excluded from indoor tanning tax within this bill: Snooki, JWOWW, The Situation and House minority leader John Boehner." Obama's words, not mine.

Now, I'm sure many of you would say, "politicians tell fibs and lies all the time -- that's just what they do." And that would be correct. But excuse me for holding the President of the United States to just a little higher standard than your typical politician. That's the reason that during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, I could have gotten past the fact that Clinton cheated on his wife while in the White House if only he had told us the truth about the affair instead of looking us in the eye and lying about it. It was the lie, not the affair, that always bugged me.

And another thing: If Obama would apparently lie about something so trivial as whether he's ever heard of a D-list (if she's even that high), barely-a-celebrity-if-that, reality star -- then what else would he lie to us about? Memo to Obama: If you truly believe in all the far leftist crap you push, then knock yourself out with it -- you were elected in 2008, and we'll simply vote you out in 2012. But don't lie to us, man. Because to many of us, that's not forgivable of an American president.