Saturday, July 31, 2010

2012 Yawner!!! GOP Could REALLY Use an Injection of New Blood.

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich is likely to run for president in 2012, and this week he gave CNN his thoughts on whom the other GOP candidates will be that run. Gingrich ticked off the following laundry list: Sarah Palin; Mitt Romney; Mike Huckabee; Mitch Daniels; Haley Barbour; and Tim Pawlenty. Talk about a boring list of has-beens, also-rans and never-was white (and nearly exclusively male) conservatives.

I've said often, and as recently as a few days ago, that I intend to break my normal practice (of voting for third-party candidates) this fall and to vote for the republican candidate in my U.S. Senate and U.S. House races -- regardless of even how deranged the repub candidate is. I view this to be necessary given the reckless way that Obama & The Dems have run amok since seizing complete control of DC at the start of 2009.

However, my pledge for November most certainly does not translate to the 2012 presidential election. I will not be voting for Obama in 2012, but I have serious doubts that I could bring myself to vote for any of the motley crew listed above. Sorry, but I refuse to choose between the lesser of two evils, and I therefore haven't voted for a dem or a repub since around the mid-1990s.

If you're going to get my vote as a member of one of these two awful parties, either (1) you had better excite me (and very few politicians do) or (2) convince me it's necessary to vote for you in order to effect a needed change in the system (i.e. precisely why I'll be voting repub this fall in the federal congressional races). And I don't know about you, but I'm feeling no excitement whatsoever from that recycled collection of white male retreads that includes Gingrich and his list of other candidates.