First, and topping my list of candidates -- deranged right-winger and confirmed sick-minded racist, Mel Gibson. I would assume that after his recent phone tirades have gone public, dude will be heading to rehab very soon if he's not there already. When he emerges from that, he's going to need activities to occupy his time so that he doesn't go back on the wagon (or is it off the wagon -- just like the Seinfeld episode, I can't ever keep it straight). So the role would be perfect for Gibson. And maybe even a little package deal could be in the works, with loony left-winger and devout socialist Danny Glover -- of course, Gibson's co-star in all the Lethal Weapon films -- being cast to play Barack Obama in the Edwards film. Talk about a silver screen reunion!
Second, Robert Blake, of Baretta fame. Blake was acquitted in 2001 for whacking out his wife, but -- very similar to O.J. Simpson -- was later found liable in a civil court of law for the wrongful death of said wife. So he certainly has the credentials to play a douchebag. Gravitating against him, however, is his relative lack of a ton of experience on the bigscreen (as he's most well-known as a TV actor, and even that was in the very distant past).
Third, and speaking of O.J. -- how about "The Juice" himself to play this role? Sure, the audience would have to get past the small detail of an African-American playing a man known to be very white, but Orenthal James does have a bigscreen acting background and might just be up to the task. Of course, a much bigger hindrance than his race would be the fact that he's currently serving a 9-year bit in the can in Nevada. Special arrangements would have to be made with the hoosegow. Maybe O.J.'s take from the film could be split between the prison and O.J.'s creditors? And O.J. might just be agreeable to that, since anything's better than sitting around in the joint.
Fourth, and I'm talking a real dark horse candidate here given his lack of any movie acting experience -- Bill Clinton. Yes, Slick Willie himself. True, he's never been in a movie (or one of which I'm aware). But please! I don't like the man at all, but I would never question that he's perhaps the best pure politician (a real insult in my book, BTW) that I've seen during my lifetime. Sure, Reagan & Obama could and can really deliver from the prepared speech and teleprompter, but so could Clinton, and neither of those two dudes are anywhere close to Clinton's league when it comes to his skills on his feet (i.e., "off-prompter"). I have no doubt that Clinton could put in a good performance as Edwards, and Willie certainly has the slimeball prerequisite down pat.
Last, but not least -- Charlie Sheen. One thing sure to be depicted in the upcoming Edwards film is the National Enquirer chasing him around a hotel where he was meeting his mistress, Rielle Hunter. Edwards ultimately was forced to duck inside a hotel shithouse and lock himself in there until the smoke cleared. In similar style, Sheen recently exhibited the same sort of mouse-like behavior, sneaking around and scurrying off from rehab in a cheesy porn mustache disguise in order to meet up with his mistress. And Sheen obviously is no stranger to A-List Hollywood roles insofar as such films as Wall Street and Platoon. Although relegated in recent years to the small screen, this could be Sheen's Big Comeback!
So there you have it. I ultimately come down on the side of Gibson or Sheen being cast. The others deserve consideration, but alas the others appear to lack the Slimeball Stuff and/or big movie experience that a Gibson or Sheen could bring to the Edwards role. Maybe I should be a Hollywood casting director!? Or, at the very least, a dolly grip, best man (best boy?) or gaffer? Hell, stick me in some stunts and throw me through some tables and windows. I'm game! All I gotta do is, Act Naturally.