"The flight of independents . . . [O]n the issues voters care the most about — the economy, jobs and spending — Obama has shown himself to be a Big Government liberal. This reality is killing him among independent-minded voters — a trend that started one year ago and has worsened lately. On the eve of his inaugural address, nearly six in 10 independents approved of his job performance. By late July of 2009 — right around the time Obama was talking up health care and pressuring Democrats to vote on cap-and-trade legislation — independents started to take flight. Many never returned. For the first time in his presidency, Obama’s approval rating among independents has dropped below 40 percent, according to the widely respected Gallup."
The only thing that I really have to add here is that Independents' mad dash for the exits is certainly not limited to Obama exclusively, but instead fully applies to that larger institution to which I like to refer as Obama & The Dems -- meaning the entire democrat party power grip on DC. Obama may sit atop that structure, but he is only one part of it. Senate and House dems need to go so that some measure of power balance between these two destructive parties can be returned to the federal government. And that's precisely what we Independents intend to do come November (since we control election outcomes), even if the stench of having to vote for some republicans is almost too much to bare for many of us.