Monday, April 19, 2010

Lucy in the Ground? I've Heard of Hunting for Buried Treasure, But This Is Ridiculous.

Fans of late rock music legend John Lennon have been searching for something that (legend has it) is buried in the yard of one of his old homes. Money? Treasure? A long-lost song he wrote? A Paul McCartney voodoo doll? Nope, none of those things. Instead: An LSD stash! And a group of fans claims it found the stash this week (link below).

So what the hell would Lennon have been doing burying LSD in his garden? Perhaps his home was being raided by police, or perhaps he had just become convinced of LSD's secondary utility as an effective fertilizer? Nothing like that. According to the linked story, the legend goes that he and his fellow Beatles decided to give up LSD in 1967 when they endeavored to become practitioners of transcendental meditation. But rather than tossing his stash in the rubbish, Lennon is said to have buried it out in the yard.

And it gets weirder. The legend also goes that Lennon later changed his mind about his LSD cessation, and so he started grubbing around in his yard looking for the buried stash -- which he was never able to find. You know, it was always said that McCartney wrote the song "Hey Jude" to console John's son, Julian. But I'm starting to think he actually wrote it to console John for that large LSD stash that got away out in the yard (allegedly).