Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Do You Want to Come Up Here"?!

Consistent with being the most thin-skinned and criticism-loathing president of my lifetime (topping even Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon in that regard), Obama last night actually tried to verbally engage gay rights hecklers who were shouting at him at a dem fundraiser for Sen. Barbara Boxer (links below). Gay rights proponents are upset that Obama's administration has drug its feet on his campaign pledge to repeal the 1993 military policy often referred to as "don't ask, don't tell."

Obama's initial mistake here was even giving these hecklers the time of day in the first place. As noted above -- not Presidential. And if he really felt it necessary to respond to these hecklers at all, then the tone of such response should have been light-hearted and respectful. Instead of that, Obama gives them a "do you want to come up here" blast. What the hell is that? Just imagine the uproar if that fool W had made such a statement to a heckler. I expect that sort of thing from Vince McMahon on Monday nights, but certainly not from the President of the United States. If ever there was a top political figure who could use a chill pill and a humility lesson, it would be Obama.
