BTW, check the second link below for my Gingrich/Pelosi post from last year -- a link which also (and much more significantly) sets forth my recipe for a personal culinary invention of mine: The low-fat Slimeball Sandwich. I invented those babies in college (the high fat version), but in recent years have tailored the concoction to a much healthier version. And either way, They Are Delicious!
Postscript: I watched an interview that Massa gave today to crazy right-winger Glenn Beck, and I gotta tell ya -- Massa is, at a minimum, a bit nuts. But what I did appreciate was his use of a new funny phrase that I have not heard before: "The Whole Schmazole" (sp.). I love that! That's the one of the best ones I've heard since "Jeezal Peezal," circa 1986, from old school baseball Coach Petrillo! And lest we forget as well, "Can of Corn!!!"