Sunday, March 14, 2010

San Fran Nan This Weekend: "We're On the Verge of Making History!"

Two components/issues involved in such statement: (1) Will the dems soon be successful in ramming through their massive and widely unpopular health care legislation; and, (2) If so, will the same "make history"?

As to (1), I'm terrified to say that based upon everything I've read in recent days, the chances are now greater than 50% that the dems will be able to jam this thing through pretty soon. As to (2) -- there Pelosi is completely correct: History will be made. Since never before in American history has such a massive overhaul of the American economy and American system been ram-rodded through the Congress using procedural gimmicks, on a straight party-line vote, and against the Will of the American People. History indeed. Of the very worst kind. Never let it be said that everything coming out of Nancy Pelosi's mouth is inaccurate or wrong. Because she completely nailed it with her "making history" comment.