Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lady Gaga Banned on MTV! The Day I'm More Liberal Than MTV Truly Signals the End Days!

OK, well maybe I'm exaggerating just a bit. But I cannot believe that MTV is banning Lady Gaga's "Telephone" video (sure it would have to be edited a bit to appear on regular TV in front of the kids, so why not do that?) -- such video is linked in the right sidebar portion of this space at the top of my Ladies Panel. I watched the video this weekend, and is it over the top? Damn right it is. But that's Lady Gaga's whole thing. She is 24-7 over the top and extreme. MTV needs to pull its head out of its Pat Robertson and lighten up. Like I said, an edited version of "Telephone" would need to be the version aired, since make no mistake, the video is not appropriate for the kids. But to just outright ban it is very unbecoming of MTV in my view. Did Rupert Murdock purchase MTV at some point, and I just missed it?