Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Resounding Answer to the Question Pictured Below? That Would Be a "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"

...Unless, of course, invading sovereign countries under false pretenses (either known to be false (which I believe) or at best recklessly believed to be true), resulting in horrific wartime deaths of thousands of young American men and women, is your cup of tea.

Folks, this great country deserves so much better than the likes of W and Obama. Both of them represent little ideological fringes of society, not in any way representative of me or you. W was a devoted Neo-Con, a group that doesn't care about much of anything except spreading American power (under the guise of "spreading democracy") by force and intimidation throughout the world. Sorry, that is not what a democratic nation (the greatest in the history of the planet, in my view) goes around doing.

As for Obama -- he's even more garden variety. Garden variety radical far left progressive, that is. If only that garden produced fruit reflective of any more than about 10-15% of the American population, Obama would actually be representing someone. As it stands, he and His Dems in Washington represent hardly anyone. Just another day in America. But I do try to maintain hope. Like I said, we can do better. I hope we will.

(Postscript: Check out the old school Culture Club video, "Miss Me Blind" -- second link below).

