Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Obama Disregards Pledge Made 8 Times to Permit C-SPAN Coverage of Health Care Bill Negotiations: I Have a Different Take Here Than the Far Right.

I'm going to give Obama the benefit of the doubt: When he made this pledge over and over on the campaign trail in 2008, I don't think he was lying; rather, I think he probably believed at the time that these negotiations could be on C-SPAN. So I don't really agree with all the "liar" venom coming out of the conservatives. That being said, there's plenty to criticize here. First, to make such a promise over and over, and then to do so little (basically nothing) to try to actually make it come true is just plain disingenuous. Second, to believe and then to state that belief over and over that there would be open negotiations, when in fact he should have known that his own party's leaders would throw up considerable roadblocks to that ever occurring, shows a concerning lack of judgment in the first instance -- and certainly a lot less judgment than I would expect to see from a person who is President of the United States. But was Obama knowingly lying to us? Again, I'm not going to go there on this one, first and foremost because I simply don't think it's true.