Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Please Tell Me Something...

Why is it that if one side had committed myriad thousands of new troops to a war with no clear objective in Afghanistan, the Far Left would be out in droves, as they were in all the years preceding 2009, protesting to the hilt, but then that same Far Left goes almost completely silent when their Hero is in office and ratcheting up those troop levels to huge new expansions? I'll tell you why. Because the Far Left, and the Radical Progressives who control it, have very few if any principles to speak of. They have no character. They are no different from the Far Right and the Conservatives that control that little swath of things that they call a republican party. And in the meantime, the overwelming majority of us Americans just sit around peacefully, remain silent, and let all this B.S. occur, day after day, year after year, decade after decade. We're not represented by anyone. And Time Has Come to Change That. I ain't running for office, but at least I'm out here making my voice heard and rufflin' plenty of feathers. That's what All of You need to start doing. Express Yourselves. Until we do, things are always going to remain the same -- Two bullshit out-of-touch parties just foisting upon us any damn thing they feel like. I've been noisy, and you folks NEED TO GET NOISY TOO. There's a lot at stake. So do it.