Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Woman Goes Berserk, Goes Ape, Tosses Cash Registers, Mop Buckets & Assorted Other Items at McDonald's Crew Who Won't Refund the Price of Her Hamburger

This lady in Kansas City didn't care for the way the hamburger had been made. Hey, I'm not going to jump all over her. Certainly, she should have handled the situation more diplomatically and without the destruction of property (which is a crime). But in the famous words of the Michael Douglas character in the movie Falling Down (pictured above), haven't these McDonald's employees ever heard the phrase, "The Customer is always right"? If not, someone should remind them. If this woman didn't care for how the burger was prepared, refund her damn 90 cents already. What, are you worried about setting the dangerous precedent of ladies nationwide ordering a burger, taking a bite, and then demanding a refund!?! Please. In my book, McDonald's (which I already do not like due to the lack of healthy food choices on its menu for those of us who don't care much for eating cardboard-like-tasting "grilled chicken") is just as responsible for this ugly situation as the lady referenced above. That's right, Equally Responsible. 50-50.