Friday, September 18, 2009

Future First Couple?

As Mr. McMahon's wife, Linda McMahon (WWE CEO), throws her chair -- errr hat -- into the ring this week for Chris Dodd's seat in the U.S. Senate (link below), I'm left to ponder the possibility of Mr. McMahon and Linda someday inhabiting 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If you think Obama & The Dems get more than a little gruff with anyone who disagrees with them, they are in fact timid little twerps in comparison to Mr. McMahon. I've seen this dude interviewed by the likes of such hugely confrontational personalities as Bob Costas and Armen Keteyian, and each time if a particular question irked him a little bit, Mr. McMahon would explode at them in a fit of anger, shouting and intimidation. I've long thought of Bill Clinton as a bit of a bully when it comes to the media (at least to reporters who ask him tough questions), but Mr. McMahon would be like Clinton X 1000.

And I can also guarantee you that in a McMahon Administration, we'd get his kids, Stephanie and Shane, along with a whole host of other figures from the world of professional wrestling (definitely including good 'ol J.R., Jim Ross), as a brand new set of White House Czars. (Begging the question of whether that motley crew would be any worse than the current gaggle of circus clowns that Obama has in those positions, but I digress). And if one of those Czars rubbed McMahon the wrong way, you wouldn't see some quiet, late Saturday night resignation like we saw from Van Jones. Nope, Mr. McMahon would surely drag that person out in front of the cameras in order to deliver his trademark "YOU'RE FIRRRRRED!" line just for good measure. And can you even ponder the thought of Mr. McMahon as Commander in Chief of the armed forces? Delivering a State of the Union speech? Meeting with foreign dignitaries? I can't. Besides, if I have to cast my vote for a pro wrestler, give me The Nature Boy Ric Flair any day over Mr. McMahon.