Saturday, September 19, 2009

I do give Obama credit when I think it's deserved.

And today is an example. The link below sets forth several Obama quotes from his interviews to air tomorrow morning on the various Sunday morning network political talk shows. I credit Obama for downplaying the role that race plays with most people that are outspoken in their disagreement with his policies. He says that some of the opposition comes from people with primarily racial motives, with which I fully agree: We have an undeniably deep imbed of bigotry in this country that is very slow to improve (it's a constant but tediously slow process) and won't be completely dissipating anytime soon. So yeah, there are those out there who surely oppose Obama because he has African-American ancestry. But for fools like Jimmy Carter and the Kansas City Star's Yael T. Abouhalkah to suggest that race is the overriding factor for most people who vocally oppose Obama's policies is pure, unintellectual far-left drivel. And Obama doesn't go there in the statements that I read, or anywhere remotely close. He acknowledges that most of the vocal opposition hasn't been racially motivated, but rather based on the substance of the ongoing health care and economic policy debates -- from people who legitimately disagree with him and who honestly question the wisdom of a rapidly expanded federal government. And for that, I give Obama a lot of credit tonight. Now, will some of the ultra-left-wingers who inhabit the so-called "progressive" extreme of the democratic party follow suit in Obama's sentiments? Don't hold your breath on that one.