Monday, July 6, 2009

Today's Russian deal will make our warfare in Afghanistan more fuel efficient.

"The new transit routes [through Russia as a result of the deal] will allow the U.S. military to resupply international forces more quickly, saving up to $133 million a year in fuel and other transportation costs, the White House said."

I guess that's the most important thing, after all. I have to say, the lunacy and hypocrisy of the American left on Afghanistan is frightening. Suddenly, once a liberal dem is president, it's OK for a sitting president to wage warfare abroad without any clearly articulated plan for what the hell we're doing there and why we keep ratcheting up troop levels. Nope, apparently as long as the war we fight is a "energy efficient" as possible, it's OK by most of the left. H-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e-s.