Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Here it comes!


I suspected that Biden's so-called "admission" Sunday that the White House previously "misread" the seriousness of the economic recession really wasn't much of an admission at all, but rather possibly an intentional opening salvo in trying to build momentum towards a second economic "stimulus" bill (on which there have been small rumblings in recent weeks). And guess what? It looks like it's already starting. Today one of His Majesty's advisers, Laura Tyson, said that the U.S. should consider drafting a second "stimulus" package. She actually claims that the $787 billion approved the first time around in February was "a bit too small." Well, maybe she does have a point there. After all, I can only imagine all the nice, new, greasy pork barrel projects that the dems have been able to identify in the intervening 4.5 months. I would assume that Pelosi & Reid already have the keyboards (and calculators) going on a new bill. Stay tuned...