Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Campus "Protests May Move From College Campuses to Ballot Boxes," Happily Chirps Leftist Kansas City Star: So No More Hiding the Motive and End Game!

See, the leftist 20 percenters and their democrat party have a little problem in 2016: Their candidate, Hilary Clinton, is really really really old, and really really really white, and as a result is not likely to turn out nearly as much of the 20-something-moron or black vote in next year's election as His Majesty King Nothing turned out at historic rates in his two coronations...

If the drop-off in turnout is too drastic, it just might threaten the leftists' hold on the presidency and bureaucracy -- i.e. Their Everything these days since they've been pissing away state and federal legislative seats the last 8 years like a gutter wino around 6:00 a.m.

But what better way for democrat party minions to gin up the turnout than choreographing widespread, Astroturf, faux movements led by student lapdogs across the country and made to seem "mainstream," rather than radical fringe, by the leftists' adoring and fawning national media?

But alas, before I cast too many stones at the nation's yutes, I must proffer this question: Good Grief, was I also this stupid, group-thinking, and gullible when I was a 20-something?

Actually, I'd prefer not to answer that question. I will say that slimeball Bill Clinton owes me (and plenty of others) an apology from '92, and never forget this, kids: You remain a lackey to these creeps going forward (on both political extremes) only if you allow it. Unlike the leftists, and their fair share of the right-winger gop-ers, I believe that you're much better than that.
