Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Thank You, King Joffrey: Obama Ordains From On High in Recent Days that "We're Going to Have to Change How the Media Reports." And Frankly, I Couldn't Agree More...

To wit: All the fawning. The hero worship. The ass-kissing. The zealous advocacy. The free ride. The choreographed questions. The blissful ignoring. The cute, cuddly curtsies...

For seven long years, Obama's enjoyed all the benefits and advantages of a national media much more concerned with taking Obama's side and protecting him than actually, you know, letting some journalism break out or something.

So like the proverbial broken watch is nearly always correct twice a day, Obama has me agreeing with him over here: We're going to have to change how this damn media reports (just like we need to change people's religious beliefs, as Hilary astutely observed recently). After all, this whole freedom of press, speech, and religion thing is getting WAY overrated nowadays, don't 'cha agree?
