Friday, November 21, 2014

So He Finally Gets Around to It After All These Years? Obama Announces He Will Ordain by Executive Order that Five Million Illegal Immigrants Shall Be Deemed de facto "Legal"...

"I Will Make It Legal," scowled Senator Palpatine. But no worries -- Palpatine didn't become The Emperor until much later on. Besides, I have always since the start thought that Obama carries himself (and is treated) much more like a monarch than an emperor or president. But regardless...

Ya know, I absolutely hate for either (1) Obama and his leftist democrat party minions or (2) the right-winger gop-ers to ever dictate to me what I'm going to talk about on a particular day just because they happened to pick that day to pull some of their slimy partisan horseshit.  But I do gots a few quickies here when it comes to His Majesty's TV "announcement" (of what we've known for almost a year is coming) on Thursday night:

-Strikes me that the Congress (with a gop-er party so beholden to the Chamber of Commerce and big business lobby) will probably pass immigration legislation in the next few years that will accomplish the same thing Obama is now set to dictate through executive order. So what's so freakin' earth-shattering here? Well, not so earth-shattering except, that is, for the putrid U.S. job market, which needs this cudgel blow to the gut like a midget needs a playful frolic through a car crusher. But explain to me when Obama has ever during his presidency given a rat's ass about jobs or the ongoing plight of the "stupid" American worker? Except for doing damage, Obama's done little on the jobs issue over the years apart from espousing the bare "minimum," in more ways than one.

-When a future president with an "R" next to his name cites to the current precedent being set by Obama in order to sign a similarly sweeping, constitutionally overreaching executive order that should be left to Congressional legislation (as Obama said to Hispanic audiences myriad times in recent years before taking the opposite position now), and when the leftist 20 percenters start going their typical apeshit and marching in the streets over said action by the "R" guy, I am going to laugh out loud (literally) right in all of their sleazy little leftist faces. Hypocrisy and taking opposite positions when convenient are the den of group-thinking, dim-opinioned dolts, after all, and never a more hypocritical lot will you meet than the leftist ideologues -- an angry, rotgut group of clones who take "the ends justify the means" mentality to the deepest depths of human depravity.

-Obama could have easily pushed (and had the Congress pass) immigration legislation in his first two years in office (recall those now long-gone democrat party House and Senate super-majorities?), but chose instead to ignore the issue back then (plus more important issues like jobs and exploding debt and deficits) in favor of a year's worth of groveling over Cap'n Trade (first) and Obamacare (for an excruciatingly long second). Gosh, what a warrior for the immigrants!!! Far from being "forced" to decree this executive order now, the truth about the ever-deceitful Obama is that he simply didn't care enough to ever push the immigration issue until he had the chickenshit political cover of his lame-duck presidency. I mean, do you have any idea how many rounds of golf this individual could've gotten in this week if not for all the time he had to spend on this whole executive order thingy? But never fear. He's in Vegas today. He'll make up for lost time.