Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Deadbeat democrat? "Obama's JPMorgan Credit Card Denied at Restaurant on New York City Trip." The Outrage!

How dare JPMorgan!  Just because Obama's America can no longer pay its bills does NOT mean that Obama on a personal level shouldn't still be extended credit... 

Here's how it is: I've never read or known Obama to be a big spender or debt accumulator when it comes to his own jack. This One Percenter Dude's worth way north of 10 million bucks for Chrissakes!

And while Obama and predecessor W Bush may be the two most irresponsible, shameless and destructive spenders of your money that the country has ever seen, that hardly translates to Obama's own credit rating, which I would imagine is quite stellar.

My one inescapable conclusion here is that JPMorgan is obviously racist and really could use a good IRS audit or Federal Reserve investigation. Where the hell's Eric Holder and Lois Lerner when we really need them?
