Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Why Couldn't She Have Signed It?!? CNN Anchor Carol Costello Recalls Fondly the Good Ol' Days When Michelle Obama "Signed the Hunger-Free Kids Act Into Law"...

Reportedly, only the elected president himself can technically schmecnilly sign bills into law, but isn't that just a short-sighted technicality?  To this one, telling Michelle she can't sign bills into law would be akin to telling Queen Elizabeth she has no authority to legally act simply because she's a woman...

Methinks Michelle's old man needs to sign an executive order making it perfectly clear that his wife has just as much power and right to sign things into law as he does.  Any other result is purely sexist and misogynist, smacking more of a gop-er led War on Women than anything resembling a contemporary constitutional mandate.  Just ask Carol Costello and her other fellow network news anchors everywhere.