Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I Do NOT Want to See This Movie: "Anticipated, Sex-Filled Hillary Clinton Biopic Taking Shape"! Why? Why? Why?

Who greenlighted this project, anyway -- Rush Slimebaugh? Talk about a topic that I distinctly do not need to know (or see) anything more about -- Hillary Clinton's sex life. Bleh! And if that basic premise isn't scary enough, the insider skinny on the specific contents of the picture (to be titled Rodham; link below) make it sound even more horrific. Check it:

-Rodham is to be a "sex-filled romp about Hillary Clinton's life as a twenty-something nerd." [The sort of film pitch that only a sex addict or sadist could love]

-The film will show Clinton "as a humorless Yale law student wearing a hideous pair of Coke-bottle glasses." [Nothing says box office smash, after all, quite like a humorless protagonist dressed hideously]

-During that early 70s time frame, "a young Hillary Clinton is introduced as a law student sporting an awful haircut . . . [as] she appears as the valedictorian of the look-like-shit school of feminism." [Got mean- spiritedness over there? I knew Slimebaugh must be involved]

-Future husband Bill, meantime, shows up in film "looking like a Viking with a full mane and a sweet six-inch beard." [It's the prospect of seeing his other hairy proportions that frightens me]

-And that stuff ain't even the worst of it: "In a later scene, Bill and Hillary devour each other," with Slick Willie "ripping off her shirt" and "burying his head into her cleavage." [Boy, that's just sick]

-But "the encounter is cut short because messages from an answering machine keep interrupting the action." [At least the picture has a merciful side]

-In another scene, "Hillary gripes that she's not getting enough nookie." When asked by a friend if she and Bill have sex, Hillary chirps that "it depends upon what the meaning of the word 'sex' means." [Quibbling over the meaning of simple words like "sex" and "is" -- who says this kooky couple had nothing in common?]

In sum, I don't need to see this picture. Why not just release a full- length feature film about a couple of poorly groomed jackasses mating out in the barnyard? At least that one would have a place on Discovery Channel reruns.