Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I Heard Absolutely Disturbing Stats in a News Report Monday Night About Startling Increases in the Rate of Unwed Mothers in the American Black Community Over the Past 70 Years. We Need Independent-Minded Solutions...

The stats I heard (going from memory) were a 19% rate of African American children being born to an unwed mother in the 1940's, as compared with about 25% in the early-to-mid-60s, as compared with over 70 percent today.

Where are the leftist "mainstream media" and their right-winger blogosphere counterparts ever talking about these kinds of terrible stats?  The silence is deafening.  And that's very much to their discredit, since the fastest way for any kid of any race or nationality to go down the wrong path in life is to have the presence of only one parent in his/her life.  Even if marriage doesn't follow a pregnancy, a presence by both parents in the life of the child is completely essential.

Getting back to these tragic and sorrowing numbers in the African American community:  I don't purport to have the answer, to say that there are easy solutions, or even to claim that I've given the issue a great deal of thought in the past.  But I know this:  This is a dire issue that needs serious-minded people of good will to tackle.

What this issue does not need are right-wingers and leftist 20 percenters coming anywhere near it with all of their doctrinaire, extremist, ultra-divisive, partisan Bullshit ('cause guess what, it ain't workin'!) -- their BS always being spewed out of political interests first and foremost, incessantly placed far ahead of doing any sort of good and right for decent human beings in this country.