Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Report: democrat party chairman Patty "Wasserman" Simpson to Get the Pink Slip Come November. But Why? And Will San Fran Nan Take Her Place?

An interesting report early this week from the "Shark Tank" blog (link at bottom), which reports that the democrat party will sack its current national committee chairman, Patty "Wasserman" Simpson, after the November elections regardless of those elections' outcomes.  Two reactions here, and my first one is WHY?

"Wasserman" Simpson has struck me for a couple of years now to be one of the democrat party's most effective political slimeballs, wrapping into one nice little package (1) an ability to be one of the democrat party's best pathological liars and (2) a certain bulldog mentality noticeably absent from the democrat party in the wake of such high-profile exits as those of Anthony's Weiner and Alan Grayson.  (Really though, I'm only being maybe about one-third facetious over here).

My second reaction is to ponder (if this report ultimately turns out to be true) who might be "Wasserman" Simpson's successor as democrat party chairman?  I can nearly guarantee you that speculation will heat up almost immediately as to the possibility of former House Creature San Fran Nancy Pelosi (the living embodiment of the below-pictured former Iraqi propaganda minister Baghdad Bob) as an only too logical replacement to "Wasserman" Simpson...

After all, San Fran Nan is, like, really really old now, and it would make only perfect sense for her to take a more behind-the-scenes position as democrat party chairman, freeing up the slightly younger "Wasserman" Simpson to focus on her own current U.S. House career (maybe she can be House Creature herself someday!?!).

This very convenient switcheroo actually makes even more sense when one considers that I can't think of many nationally known democrat party sleazejobs who could rival "Wasserman" Simpson's penchant for fundamental dishonesty, in nearly every word that comes out of the mouth, as San Fran Nan could.  Now, the aforementioned "bulldog factor" ain't really present with San Fran Nan (is anyone completely perfect?), but the lyin' scuzbucket aspect is exuded in droves by Nan.

So when it comes to a possible "Wasserman" Simpson-for-San Fran Nan swap -- As the old line goes from one of my favorite films of all-time, Dances With Wolves:  "Good Trade."
