Monday, November 7, 2011

"A Further Blow to the One-Time Darling of Reality TV"? Kate Gosselin Accused of Bad Mothering After Sitting By as 1 of her 8 Crawls Under Her Minivan

You tell me if things have really gotten that bad for Kate Gosselin: Yes, her long-running reality show was cancelled in August and she's since been forced to take up employment as a "coupon blogger" on a website called But she still apparently has paparazzi chasing her and her 8 all over the place, meaning she's still far from being out of sight or mind. Latest example:

A story this weekend (link at bottom) has a child safety group expressing "outrage" after one of Kate's brood was seen rummaging around underneath her minivan as mom sat idly by in the driver's seat. The little shit was apparently trying to retrieve some homework he had dropped as he tried to get into mom's minivan after school. Kate, there to pick up the 8, reportedly never got out of the minivan and did nothing as her son burrowed his way around underneath.

Some broad at the child safety group is none too happy, referring to the minivan as a "lethal weapon" under which "having children crawling around is not prudent."

Of course, in contrast, it's highly prudent to have a bunch of paparazzi always tailing this motley crew around like butt smell on an Alabama shithouse. That could never lead to any safety issues, now could it?

Regardless, as long as she still has people snapping pictures of her family's every move, I think tales of Kate's demise are greatly exaggerated. And she hasn't even had to resort to appearing in any fetish videos or celebrity boxing matches like Octomom to keep her name and face out there. Shrewd.