Saturday, October 8, 2011
Liar-In-Chief: If Obama Would Lie About Something As Trivial As Meeting a Dude and the Guy's Employment Status, Then What Else Would He Lie About?
This item was largely glossed over Friday by the "mainstream" media (predictably) and the right-wing media alike (probably because deranged right-winger Rick Perry did something similar recently). But it still was significant to me. Obama was caught very clearly in direct lies from his Thursday press conference concerning his new spending bill. So what did he lie about?
The total cost of the bill? How it'll be paid for? His latest changing definition of "millionaires and billionaires"? Nope. None of those things (at least as far as we know). And if he was going to tell some lies, he should have saved the lies for things like that, because at least then he would have been putting the lies to good use. (After all, never let a good crisis -- or lie, for that matter -- go to waste, no?) Instead, we get this:
Said Obama at the presser: "I had a chance to meet a young man named Robert Baroz (a school teacher) . . . In the last few years, he's received three pink slips because of budget cuts. Why wouldn't we want to pass a bill that puts somebody like Robert back in the classroom teaching our kids?"
But as reported by the Boston Herald (link at bottom): "Two problems: Obama never met Baroz. And Baroz remains happily employed." As the Herald further reports, Baroz has visited the White House before, but has never met Obama. Further, while he did get three pink slip, "in each case his job was saved." Translation: He's not out of work and never was; and regardless, Obama sure as hell never "met" the guy.
Now, I know the typical partisan response when one of their jerkwads is caught in a lie: "Well, who cares, because all politicians lie, especially the ones on the other side." First off, as detailed many times in this space, the second-grade-style "two wrongs make a right" argument (i.e., "yeah but, you guys do it too") doesn't work with this Independent. I couldn't give a rat's ass if slimeballs in the other party lie because I'm not a member of that party.
More importantly, don't give me the "all politicians lie" line of bullshit when it comes the damn PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Excuse me over here, but I hold the president to just a little higher standard than Patty "Wasserman" Simpson running around the halls of Congress.
That's the reason why Clinton pissed me off in 1998 AD. I could have gotten past him getting a consensual Lewinsky from a young intern at the White House if he'd admitted what happened and had said let's move on. But I don't get past him looking the American people in the eye and lying about what happened.
I guess at the end of the day, Clinton the liar and slimeball at least showed himself capable of moving to the center and accomplishing some important things with gop-ers (balanced budget, welfare reform) as a result. Obama's not even capable of that. He's just a liar. And a rather petty one, at that.