Saturday, September 10, 2011

As Cali Hosts "9/11 Conspiracy Movie Festival" this Weekend, I Do Wish the Leftist 20 Percenters Would Just Get Their Damn Story Straight on 9/11!

You may try, but you really can't have it both ways, leftist 20 percenters. Either Bush orchestrated September 11, 2001 AD, or Al Qaeda caused it without any help from Bush. It can't be both. Here are the leftists' two completely inconsistent beliefs about 9/11:

9/11 Cause #1: America Itself

First, many of the leftist 20 percenters say that rather than Bush causing 9/11 to occur, he and the rest of America just got what they deserved that day. We got our Just Comeuppance! Brought right down to size! Al Qaeda was just paying America back for not only overbearing past foreign policy, but also for virtually every bad thing that has ever occurred in American history. Since, after all, America is one of the most diabolical nations in the history of man. We make totalitarian regimes look like the Pope.

And as a result, 9/11 meant it was now time to own up to all of our past transgressions and admit that we deserved just what we got. Words to this effect were told to me by one particular leftist within 24 hours after 9/11 occurred, and I will not forget those words. But was America really to blame for 9/11, or was it instead an annoying little man in an overly tight suit who always had trouble stringing coherent sentences together?

9/11 Cause #2: BUSH!

Second, and in stark contrast: Many leftist 20 percenters (such as former Obama "czar" and self-proclaimed "communist" Van Jones) say that Bush caused 9/11 either by directly orchestrating it or (at a minimum) knowing it was about to occur, and then allowing and welcoming its occurrence.

In a nutshell: Bush caused it VERSUS Bush didn't cause it but instead just got what was coming to him, same as the rest of America. You gotta pick, leftists! Stop straddling the damn fence, already. One or the other. Take your pick. (Said Rooster Cogburn).