Sunday, August 21, 2011

Watch Out Ya Don't Sleep with the Fishes: Maniacal Florida Man Allegedly Terrorizes Neighbors with Fish and Chainsaw...

He's as scary as Luca Brasi (allegedly) and perhaps more intelligent than Leatherface (or maybe not). But one difference: Get too close to this crazy man and it may be you who sleeps with the fishes.

He's 52-year-old Dale McDaniel (pictured at top and on right) of Pasco County, Florida. And neighbors say this madman has wrought a reign of terror from one end of the neighborhood to the other.

One of this demented oddball's favorite pastimes, for example, is to chase neighbors down the block with a chainsaw (allegedly) -- in a scene that must be eerily reminiscent of the ending to Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

This lunatic is also alleged to have attacked a wheelchair-bound quadriplegic neighbor with a damn fish. The disabled neighbor says the maniac McDaniel took to slapping him right across the mush with the big dead fish.

One female neighbor accuses this psychopath of trying to choke her out. Says the woman: "He's a scary person, especially when he gets violent . . . That's not something you forget." Neighbors also say "they feel [McDaniel] has a drinking problem," although I personally find that very difficult to believe.

Neighbors say that when this brute isn't wielding chainsaws or swinging fish around, he likes to hang out in his "overgrown, trash-filled yard" -- urinating therein and shouting obscenities at those who dare to walk past the joint.

McDaniel has been arrested at least 34 times but somehow always manages to find his way home. Some neighbors are trying to get restraining orders slapped on his deranged old ass.

For his part, McDaniel points a finger of blame at the neighbors: "They've had problems with me for years and I ain't worried about it," spouted this creepy nutjob.

He also claims he's just been misunderstood: "I'm not a menace. They just don't know how to deal with me," he said. Isn't that what they always say about pit bulls right before their next kill?