Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves: Band of Gypsies, Apparently Tired of Being Hobos, Squats in Home & Turns It Into a Skid Row Flophouse!

I guess there really still do exist "bands of gypsies" apart from Wolfman movies, since one particularly grubby such band reportedly took over a woman's house recently and tore it to shreds in London. But to their credit, the gypsies did seem quite courteous to the homeowner once she discovered them. And this'll teach that woman to leave her house unattended for the weekend!

55-year-old Julia High (pictured immediately above) was reportedly just looking to get away for a few days, likely given her stressful occupation as an immigration border agent. But she may want to consider staying at home 365 days a year from now on given that -- in the space of merely a couple of days -- a pack of eight "Romanian gypsies" (also pictured above) took to squatting in her home and rearranging its interior until it was virtually unrecognizable!

The well-kept appearance of the home's inside apparently didn't sit too well with these gypsies, whom I can only guess are used to a certain degree of volatility and disorder in their digs. Exhibit 1: Julia says these bums in a few short days completely ransacked the joint, leaving a trail of rubbish behind them from the parlor all the way to the shithouse.

But these tramps reportedly had no ideological problems with Julia's wardrobe or ice box, raiding both in order to parade around in Julia's clothes and to snarf down all of her eats and booze. However, these tinkers apparently wanted no part of Julia's other possessions, as they gathered those up in trash bags, which they piled up out on the porch and in the backyard.

And these gypies really didn't care for Julia's carpeting scheme, apparently, since they "ripped up" all of the home's carpets and chucked them out in the backyard garden. Ready for the next season of "Extreme Home Makeover," these gypies!

These moochers also allegedly swiped the few items in the home that might have some quick resale value (the computer and digital cameras). Just for good measure, they also reportedly caused a fair amount of water damage in the kitchen and bathroom. (What, ya didn't expect them to shower and shave during their stay?) In short: "Only [Julia's] beds and wardrobes were left intact."

Julia returned home at the end of her weekend to find the vagabond family sipping her wine while dressed in her clothes. The gypies, however, were gracious enough to "offer her a glass of her own wine." But the vagrants were adamant, at the same time, that they -- and not Julia -- were the rightful occupants of the home.

In one of the better squatter occupancy justifications likely ever dreamed up, these hobos told the returning Julia that she was "dead" and that her son had rented the place to them upon her passing. Seemingly rejecting Julia's claim to the contrary that she was, you know, alive, the gypsies next produced a fake set of rental documents which they claimed the son had signed.

Only problem? Julia has no son. Busted! Damn pesky family trees. So Julia was able to get the cops to toss this gaggle of gypsies out on their bindlesticks. Now Julia has to stay with friends while her trashed home is repaired -- a process she believes may take weeks and weeks.

As for this gypsy bunch -- never fear. Because being gypsies, I imagine this group can take of themselves only too well. Case in point: No sooner had Julia sent them packing than they had already reportedly taken up squattin' in another home a few blocks away. I just hope that homeowner has a lot better tastes in carpeting.