Sunday, August 28, 2011

Clowns to the Left, Jokers to the Right: Gore Blames Eating Meat for Global Warming, While Robertson Says Earthquake Means Second Coming of Christ...

The left-wing loons and deranged right-wingers sure seem to be out in full lunacy and madness this weekend. Ever noticed with them: Every natural disaster or alleged climate trend is either (1) an opportunity to blame a political opponent, (2) a false excuse to grow regulation and government, or (3) some sort of twisted sign from God. I can only imagine the drivel they'll be spewing once Hurricane Irene says Goodnight in a few days!

And so it is this weekend that we first get right-wing goof Pat Robertson saying that the recent east coast earthquake is proof positive that we are all about the experience the Second Coming of Christ (first link at bottom). Blathers Pat: "Now there's a crack in [the Washington Monument]. Is that a sign from the Lord? You judge. It seems to be symbolic."

This from a guy who last year blamed the Haitian earthquake on the Haitian people for making a "pact with the devil" and blamed Hurricane Katrina on legalized abortion.

BTW, I thought Bush caused Hurricane Katrina to occur? The left and right might consider getting together for some mindless "compromise" here like Obama and the democrat party are always barking about recently. For example: They could agree to split the difference and blame Katrina on a speech Bush once gave opposing legalized abortion. Talk about a "grand bargain"!

And that brings us to shameless leftist 20 percenter bloviator and Inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He's out there this weekend telling all of us that we need to cut down on the meat in our diets since our "meat-intensive diets" are to blame for global warming (second link at bottom).

This from a guy who looks like he hasn't missed a meal or a good Whopper w/ Cheese in 10 freakin' years! Just look at that fat tub of goo! Hey Al: I'll agree to cut down on my meat if you'll agree to go on a damn diet already. You're a walking heart attack, fatman.

Oh, and just for good measure, Gore this weekend is also comparing skeptics of his global warming theories with "racists." According to Gore, you should talk the same way to such a skeptic as you talk to a racist.

To wit (and an exact quote from Gore regarding how he suggests that you respond to both a racist and a skeptic of his so-called scientific theories): "Hey man, why do you talk that way? That's wrong, I don't go for that, so don't talk that way around me." Now, while I didn't hear the audio on that one, I would assume that he tossed in a good sigh or two between each of those dumbass phrases.

Gosh, where would we all be without these far left and right-wing talking heads and politicians to tell all of us how to talk, how to think, how to act, what to eat, and how to interpret and construe the meaning of natural disasters? I don't think I could so much as muster up a good compromise in my life without their unfailing wisdom and stature to guide me. All hail the partisan freaks!