He also admitted to "engaging in several inappropriate conversations conducted over Twitter, Facebook, email, and occasionally on the phone with women I have met online [including] exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years" -- with "some" of these events taking place after he got married last year. This capped a crazy day in which some of those images were starting to come to light even before Anthony's Weiner had its (errr, his) press conference...
Weinergate's Meteoric Expansion Throughout the Day...
Here's a "blow-by-blow" account of Anthony's Weiner in terms off all the wild stuff that occurred throughout Monday, culminating in to the ramrod-style revelations of Anthony's Weiner at this afternoon's press conference:
It kicked off early Monday morning, with deranged right-winger Andrew Breitbart's website "Big Government" saying it had "detailed new information" about Anthony's Weiner and a new woman "involved in an online, consensual relationship involving mutual exchange of intimate photographs." Breitbart promised more to come soon but said "however, we will not be releasing all of the material because some of it is of an extreme, graphic nature."
Monday afternoon, Breitbart started releasing some of the new online photos of Anthony's Weiner, including several pictures (one above) of Anthony's Weiner engaging in cheesy, outlandish shirtless poses -- just like that goofy republican congressman Chris Lee earlier this year. Like slimy partisan, like sleazy partisan. What a dork!
Another new picture that came out today (also shown above and apparently different from the pictures that Breitbart was talking about) has Anthony's Weiner sitting on a couch next to a cat. That picture was reportedly sent out to another young lady above the caption, "Me and my pussys."
Also a Middle-Aged Lady (and a Jewish Slap)?
Still another report today from RadarOnline.com and Star magazine concerned a "middle-aged" woman from Nevada claiming to have 200 sexually explicit messages "from Weiner from a Facebook account" that the democrat "no longer uses."
The woman reportedly claims that she and Anthony's Weiner would engage in "sexting" exchanges, which included Anthony's Weiner stating: "Ridiculous bulge in my shorts now. Wanna See?." Not clear whether this might be the same woman that Breitbart is referencing or whether it's an entirely new woman.
In another reported raunchy exchange with the "middle-aged" woman, Anthony's Weiner (which is Jewish) dropped a snide Jewish stereotype on the woman (who's apparently also Jewish). First Anthony's Weiner reportedly asked, "You give good head?", with the woman replying, "I've been told really good ... and i love doing it."
Anthony's Weiner then reportedly blasted: "Wow a Jewish girl who sucks [Weiner]! This thing is ready to do damage."
Plus ANOTHER Young Lady?
And yet ANOTHER report on Monday from ABC News tells of a 26-year-old woman named Meagan Broussard (pictured above) who says she engaged in a sexting (and telephone) relationship with Anthony's Weiner that included hundreds of sexting messages over the course of a month. At one point, Anthony's Weiner reportedly admitted to the 26-year-old, "I am stalking you."
And a Damn Porn Star?!?
We also heard more today about the statements that have been made about Anthony's Weiner by porn star Ginger Lee, who reportedly has had Tweeting exchanges with Anthony's Weiner in recent months.
Some of Lee's Tweets have described the current phenomenon as "Weinermania" and have stated that "you know it's a good day when you wake up to a DM [Direct Message] from @RepWeiner [the Twitter address of Anthony's Weiner]." For good measure, another Tweet from Lee says, "I want to have sexual relations with Anthony Weiner."
All of this followed a tumultuous last week for Anthony's Weiner in which the 46-year-old married congressman was accused of Tweeting out that picture of his erect Member of Congress to the young lady in Seattle on Twitter. At first, Anthony's Weiner claimed that someone (allegedly a "conservative") had "hacked" his Twitter account and sent out the photo. But then he admitted later last week that he couldn't say for sure whether or not the picture of the supersized skin flute actually showed his own weiner.
So yep, after a relatively quiet end of last week on this story, the weiner (errr, shit) truly hit the fan today. And it really couldn't happen to a nicer Weiner, truth be told.