She says that she and democrat party congressman Anthony's Weiner engaged in a nine-month 'sexting' relationship that eventually turned into phone sex -- and all of it occurring after Anthony's Weiner got married to Hillary Clinton staffer Huma Abedin last year. And that's not even the worst part!
So He DID Use Pubic (errr, Public) Resources During Weinergate?
At his crocodile tear-filled press conference yesterday, Anthony's Weiner claimed that none of his "5 or 6" inappropriate online relationships with other women involved the use of government resources. But casino worker Weiss claims Anthony's Weiner lied when he made that statement, saying that he "did in fact use government resources to send her sexually explicit messages."
That's a bit bad for Anthony's Weiner, since a congressional ethics investigation is about to launch straight upward "to determine whether any official resources were used [during Weinergate] or any other violation of House rules."
For example, Weiss talks about Anthony's Weiner and says that "I gave him my number and he called me from his office and we proceeded to talk dirty for at least 30 minutes." Of course, any self-disrespectin' leftist 20 percenter partisan would retort, "How does she know what phone he was calling from?" Welp, B-U-S-T-E-D on that front! Says Weiss:
"A few days later, I tried to call him back on that number. But the number wouldn't connect to his office; instead there was a recorded message that it was an outgoing U.S. Congress line only."
The leftist 20-percenter partisan's next likely retort: "Well she's probably a conservative republican. Consider the source." Sorry on that front as well: The linked stories say Weiss once worked on a democrat party campaign.
Anthony's Weiner Is a Total "Dog"!
Weiss now describes Anthony's Weiner as a "dog," a "liar" and a "bad man." Weiss, BTW, is the Jewish lady referenced in yesterday's post and upon whom Anthony's Weiner dropped a vile Jewish stereotype about Jewish woman allegedly never giving Lewinskys to men. And check out this crazy Facebook exchange from March between Anthony's Weiner and Weiss (from RadarOnline.com):
Anthony's Weiner: "Ridiculous bulge in my shorts now, wanna see?"
Broad: "Yea! can u send a pic? i want to sit on your c*ck so bad right now"
Anthony's Weiner: "jeez, im rushing. let me take a quick pic"
Broad: "awesome..how do i get it? right on here? how r u gonna go to work with a raging hard on?"
Anthony's Weiner: "it wont go away. and now Im taking pics of it, making me harder still"
Broad: "so hot! u are making me wet again"
Anthony's Weiner: "jeez, i have to go. ill hit you later"
Broad: "aawww...u better"
A month later, on April 16, "a time when the House of Representatives discussed the constitutional authority statement," the Facebook messages reportedly show that Anthony's Weiner asked Weiss "when she was going to send him nude images of herself so he could 'jerk off' ".
He reportedly further told her : " 'Go into the bathroom mirrow now,' encouraging her to snap lewd images and forward them to him. 'I'm like a rock.' "
You Can't Hope to Stop Weinermania; You Can Only Try to Contain It in the Britches
Good grief. This guy reportedly had "Weinermania" runnin' wild for women across the Net! ("Weinermania" being a phrase coined by Weiner's sext partner porn star Ginger Lee -- pictured above posing on the chair).
And in addition to allegedly using public resources to fire off his frankfurter, RadarOnline.com is reporting that congressional records reveal that 15 of Anthony's Weiner's "cyber-sex sessions" with casino worker Weiss occurred while he was on the job in Washington D.C. -- with one encounter occurring "on the same day he debated official government business."
So another lie exposed (allegedly). Sounds like this guy is certifiably pathological. If during his next presser he disavows any involvement in the Kennedy assassination, I'm going to call for a new congressional investigation!