Sunday, May 15, 2011

"You Want Crazy? You'll See Crazy!" Crazed NYC Hot Dog Vendor Allegedly Goes Jason Voorhees on Friday the 13th, Hacks Up Rival Hot Dog Man's Mush!

Well it is the home of "Coney Island," after all. And we've seen knife fights fought there over "turf" before. Of course, that was in the movies (1979's The Warriors -- video at bottom) and did not involve Jason Voorhees-like psychotics nor any ballpark franks. And so it is this weekend that we get this crazy story out of the Big Apple concerning a deranged dog-slinger slicing and dicing a "rival bun hustler's" melon like it was a jar of pickle relish (allegedly).

38-year-old victim Houssen Ellaboudiy (pictured 2nd from top) and his older brother Mohammed have been slingin' sausage outside of Manhattan's "tourist friendly" and therefore customer-rich Time Warner Center for the better part of a year. But new to the Center's frankfurter fencin' scene over the past week has been 36-year-old Azmy Mansour of Jersey City. Bad News.

See, it seems Azmy had a bit of a problem with the Ellaboudiy brothers already being there -- make that a big problem, with extra onions. "Frank-incensed," as the venerable New York Post put it.

Perhaps inspired by the 87 movies comprising the Friday the 13th film series (and in particular, Jason Takes Manhattan), Azmy allegedly took to carving up a lot more than just a string of hot dog links this past Friday. Brother Houssen was just beginning to "stoke the charcoal" at the Ellaboudiy brothers' hot dog stand Friday afternoon when all hell broke loose like a Kirsten Baker wilderness stroll in Part 2.

Brother Mohammed says the "crazy man" Azmy began his red hot rampage colder than a coleslaw wiener condiment -- approaching the hot dog stand and letting the expletives fly faster than ketchup packets at a White House Superbowl party (also pictured above):

"The guy [Azmy] just left his cart and said, 'F*cking move, mother f*cker! F*ck you! F*ck your lawyer!' ", recounted brother Mohammed.

Brother Houssen refused to abandon his wienerwurst station, telling the maniacal heel hound, "You're crazy, man!" But that response apparently didn't cut the mustard with hotheaded frump man Azmy, who allegedly shot back at his fellow "bun hustler": "You want crazy? You'll see crazy!"

At least the demented dog dealer was a man of his word, as he proceeded to go crazier than chili, cheese and jalapenos on a Sonic footlong (allegedly). Yep, Azmy immediately brought the "crazy" and then some all over brother Houssen's ass -- turning the brothers' little hot dog stand into Azmy's own personal butcher shop of horrors (allegedly).

Azmy couldn't get his meathooks into Houssen quick enough, brandishing a razor (lucky it wasn't a meat cleaver) that he allegedly used to "slash the face of his weiner nemesis" like it was a sauerkraut sidedish. Said brother Mohammed: "The crazy guy went for my brother -- my brother didn't go after him."

Brother Houssen is now laid up in the hospital this weekend in stable condition (with non-life threatening injuries).

As for his frenzied alleged sausage assailant Azmy -- that crazy freak may have to start carving his weiner in a different kind of shank palace, as cops have hit him up with charges of assault and criminal possession of a weapon.

We can only hope that the icehouse will serve to cool off this razor-ragin' firedog (allegedly) and teach him a thing or two about how to better "relish the competition." And he'd better hope that his roomie there is named Oscar Meyer and not Biker Danny.