Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wife from HELL: Her Old Man Off Serving in the Military Overseas, Texas High School Teacher Allegedly Holds an "Orgy" with Five of Her Male Students!

She didn't just have an affair like so many Bill Clintons, John Edwards and Arnold Schwarzeneggers. Not being a public figure, a mere affair wouldn't have even made the papers. But when you're a teacher and hold a sex romp at your house in which you allegedly bang five different high school students -- well, H-e-l-l-o Publicity!

And it's not that this type of story is even all that unique in this day and age: We see these teachers being charged with having sex with students all the time. My ladies panel in the right sidebar column still has a link to the broad who allegedly banged half the high school football team in some town somewhere.

Nope, what made this Texas teacher's story unique to me was the fact that her hubby is off serving overseas in the military. And again, I note that the old lady didn't just have an affair. Thinking of the old man, I'm immediately reminded of Ray Liotta's line from Goodfellas: "All the shit I have to deal with out on the street, and I gotta come home to THIS!"

Yep, cops in Texas says there were five of them, alright. But first things first. A memo to horny female school teachers everywhere: If you must break the law and let half your male students gangbang you, then for Pete's Sake don't let them record video evidence of the event on their cell phones!

I have this mental image of the lads waiting on line to take a crack at their 27-year-old teacher (and married mother of three), Brittni Colleps, over at her joint. And bored by the wait in line, they would need something to occupy their time. So while waiting their turn to whip something different out, they whipped out their cell phones to record Mrs. Colleps banging the dude(s) ahead of them in line (allegedly).

Who knows if it (and Mrs. Colleps) went down quite that way, but cops say the five teens did record their "sex romp" with Teach on their cell phones. The boys were reportedly at Teach's house by her invitation. Mrs. Colleps teaches at Kennedale High School in Arlington, Texas, where she's an English instructor and girls basketball coach.

Which gets me wondering: Could there have possibly been any English instruction as a part of the other "lessons" she was imparting (allegedly) to the boys at her home that day? If so, I can only imagine some of the things she might have been shouting during the course of the alleged "orgy." For example, the Top Ten utterances could have been:

10. "Come on over here and cross this T, boy!"

9. "You know the rules: No glove, no gerund."

8. "You down there diagramming a sentence? Get to work already!"

7. "Stop talking to me in the passive voice!"

6. "Enough with the abbreviation: Give me the long form!"

5. "Stick that big long adjective right between these two proper nouns."

4. "What are you, a run-on sentence? Get going, 'cause I still gots four boys to bang!"

3. "Don't call me 'baby.' It's Mrs. Colleps -- or 'Teacher' if you're Nasty."

2. "That's right -- End this short story with a bang, babe!"

1. "I've already banged A, E, I and O. Now I want U!"

And I hope it all was worth it, because now Teach may have to schedule her orgies (allegedly) in a different kind of sex palace known as the state hoosegow. She faces five felony counts of "inappropriate relationships between a student and teacher."

That's because even though all five students were 18 at the time, Texas has this pesky little law making it a felony for a teacher to have sex with any student. Damn party poopers, those Texas lawmakers!