Friday, April 8, 2011

Don't Like These Huge Gas Prices? Tough It. Obama Tells You to "Trade In" Your SUV For Something Different. Nice Dude.

A most compassionate hypocrite 20 percenter leftist. And for good measure, he identifies with us: He says he remembers pumping his own gas once. (Links to full story at bottom). Imagine how he'd react if you raised any other complaints with him. If he'd be willing to take six questions from the American people (random questions, as opposed to people recruited by the democrat party apparatus), it might go something like this:

1. Question: Mr. President, how would you address Americans' concerns with rapidly inflating food prices that have followed your policy of having the Fed print a bunch of new money to pay off federal government debt?

Obama: "Not my problem. But try doing all your grocery shopping at Aldi. I've been told you save a lot of money that way. OR, Michelle would tell you to just eat less. I remember once only getting 10 crackers with my caviar."

2. Question: Mr. President, it seems like my energy bills have been going up a lot, both gas and electricity. What say you?

Obama: "Not my problem. But while it's still cooler, try turning down that thermostat to around 50 degrees. And put on a sweater while you're at it. This summer, get those windows open and whip out those lawn chairs on the front porch. And remember, it's always an option to sleep in your backyard if it's too hot in the house. I remember sweating once on a basketball court."

3. Question: Mr. President, my water bills have been going through the roof!

Obama: "Not my problem. But are you bathing once a day? Well, stop it. Once a week should tide you over. And Michelle says to cut down on your salt intake so that you're not drinking so damn much water and having to flush the toilet after pissing all the time. And three words: Outdoor Shithouse. I once saw one of those in a book."

4. Question: Mr. President, even basic clothing items having been going up in price a lot. It's tough out here.

Obama: "Not my problem. But you need to realize that clothing ain't exactly what you'd call a basic necessity. Try going around in the buff. Or at least utilize a loincloth. And if we could just get a lot more of you people shopping at thrift shops, we'd all be a lot better off for it. I remember driving past a thrift shop once."

5. Question: Mr. President, my home furniture is so 1997 and it's falling apart, but I've been priced right out of the new furniture market with all of this current inflation.

Obama: "Not my problem. But I'd first suggest you burn that old furniture in a fireplace or in a big barrel. Then huddle around it and save on that heat bill you people were complaining about. And second, multi-task with those lawn chairs. There's no law saying you can't use those in the house as well as on the front porch. At least not yet. And I've been told that you can combine a couple of sawhorses with some 2X4's to craft a makeshift kitchen table. I once saw Jimmy Carter on TV hammering some nails into a 2X4."

6. Question: Mr. President, I took your advice and traded in my SUV for a Smart Car, but these gas prices are still killing me!

Obama: "Not my problem. But where does it say in the antiquated American constitution that you have a right to own a car? Sell that Smart Car and you'll have enough money to go around using public transportation for at least a decade! And I'm one of you: I know a ton about buses and telling enemies to go to the back of them.",0,6881733.story