And so it is that the white minidress that Lindsay Lohan wore to court this week has become the new "must get" fashion garment for female fools (errr, "fashionistas") everywhere. (Links to full story at bottom).
Lohan wore the tight minidress this week as she pleaded not guilty to the jewel heist charges in an L.A. courtroom. Lohan's eye-popping duds retail for $575 – a Kimberly Ovitz-designed "Glavis Albino" minidress. And deranged Lohan wannabes, in a few short days, have reportedly snapped up every last one of these dresses from the Internet and stores nationwide. Sick.
What's more, the sicko pretenders who weren't so lucky to get one of the dresses have being creating a "frenzy" around the Ovitz sales office, flooding the office with phone calls seeking one of the dresses. Only about 1,000 of these dresses were made, but Ovitz is now reportedly considering a "second manufacturing" of the style. Gee, ya think?
Regardless, I do readily admit that Lohan looks great in the minidress (even if it was certainly an inappropriate piece of attire to sport at a felony arraignment). As a matter of fact, that's the best I've seen her look since, well, maybe ever. Nice rack. I guess if she's bound and determined to go down in flames, she might as well be on fire during the process.