And Sheen – whose own film career took a sharp turn for the worse about 10 years ago – might be able to score some pointers off his new porn chick when it comes to staying relevant and employed in the film business. That's because according to IMDb, Bree's porn "filmography" is starting to push the number 200 in just four short years since her "debut" in 2006’s Whale Tail 3. If you’re scoring at home, that’s almost one porno per week over that period!
Many of Bree's porn titles are not readily repeatable in a family blog such as this one, but here's a list of 25 of her top titles which are (at least somewhat) repeatable – all of which serve only to reinforce that Bree is just the kind of broad that we'd all like to take home to mama (or not):
-Big Screw Review
-BlackMarket Bayou
-Bra Bustin’ & Deep Thrustin’ 2
-Debbie Duz Dishes Again
-Destination Tonsils
-Double Decker Sandwich 10
-Filth C*ms First
-Go F**k Myself 2
-Grand Theft Anal 10
-Lex the Impaler 6
-Long Don Black Kong
-Lord of Asses 9
-Manaconda 2
-Meat My Ass 7
-Meet the Twins 7
-MILF Eye for Teen Pie [Sorry, but that’s just wrong!]
-Natural Knockers 12
-No! Please Don’t Tickle Me There
-Old Enough to be Their Mother 2
-Pop Goes the Weasel 2
-Rack by Popular Demand 3
-Real Racks 4
-69 Bree Street
-Slam It! In a Slut
-T**ts Ahoy 5
My two personal favorites from that laundry list (favorite titles, that is) are Rack by Popular Demand 3 and Long Don Black Kong. And I even have a film idea of my own to pitch: Sheen and Bree should star in a porn film together! Working title -- Ball Street: Charlie Never Sleeps.