I’ve fooled myself for way too long into always looking for the most convenient person or natural phenomenon to blame for bad events. Always, it seemed, I blamed the act’s perpetrator or such cursory notions as the natural course of the earth’s cycles, or some other such drivel.
Well today, finally, I woke up and said to myself (I said, I said): “Self, TODAY – We’re going to break the hearts of all those damn mealy-mouthed Independents!” And so it is that I arrive at the following pronouncements as I officially cast my lot into the Great American Blame Game!:
1. The Jared Loughner Arizona Massacre (Allegedly): I’m officially blaming Global Warming, since the same has acted to contribute to Loughner being either unseasonably hot or cold nearly 24-7, 365 days annually, for years now. Who could possibly blame this slime (errrr, individual) for overheating like he did on a chilly day in early January?
2. This Damn Pesky, Inclimate Kansas City Weather: I’m blaming heavy metal music. The American pop culture is purely rotten, heavy metal among it, and finally God’s Wrath has fully come to roost upon all of us here in flyover territory for that and for consistently voting incumbents out of office every election cycle for no apparent good reason as oftentimes pointed out by the American political left and right.
3. My prior reluctance and push-back towards fully embracing the American Political System’s incessant Blame Game, which spins every single human tragedy and worldwide calamity as a product of the terrible behavior of those with whom we disagree: For failing to come around for so long, I blame Bush. Hey, I don’t have any otherwise decent candidate, and he’s the good ol’ standby in that regard. When in doubt, blame Bush. Good grief, it would be SO politically incorrect to blame the ultra-personable nice guy next door named Barack Obama. I ain’t going there! Since I may disagree with many of his policies, but I find him personally very likable! Nope. I'm on Bush.