Saturday, January 8, 2011

Beware the Wrath of the Defrocked Creature of the House: Both Democrats & Former Presidents Alike Had Best Look Out!

The past few days have shown that outgoing House Creature Nancy Pelosi is still alive and kicking like so many insects in a grasshopper summer. First, we saw Pelosi on Friday blasting George W. Bush and blaming him for the democrat party losing control of the U.S. House in November (first link at bottom).

And why not? Bush is blamed for everything else, after all. I've made the statement before in this space, and I still believe it, that the democrat party will still be blaming Bush for every worldwide calamity, natural disaster, and occurrence of the common cold long after all of us have been deposited six feet under. My previous remark was that at least then, we won’t be around to have to listen to it anymore.

Second, we have a story about how Pelosi is likely to seek retribution against the 19 House democrats who voted against her for Speaker in this past week's election (second link at bottom). The number 19 was highly embarrassing to Pelosi since "it was the largest number of defections for any formal candidate for speaker since 1997."

Although no longer the Creature (errr, Speaker) of the House and no longer a member of the majority party, Pelosi still retains significant far leftist power as House Minority Leader with a democrat party House caucus that is now substantially more liberal than it was during even 2009-10 (due to massive defeats of so-called "blue dog moderate" democrats in November), which is really saying something.

That means bad news for the few remaining "moderate" democrats in the House, most of whom were among the 19 who voted against Pelosi last week. Pelosi can make it difficult for those members to push legislation, and she can screw them over when it comes to committee assignments and chairmanships – as she’s done in the past to democrats whom she didn’t like or who had crossed her.

At the end of the day, I think I’d rather be a Febreze can in an Alabama shithouse than a "blue dog" democrat in the House these days. But alas -- that's just another day in the life of our two truly small-tent parties.