Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Perhaps the Most Completely Laughable Suggestion Yet from the American Far Left: Let's Have a Violent Left-Wing Revolution!

That was the sentiment (links at bottom) expressed this week by left-winger MSNBC talking head Dylan Ratigan (who, by the way, gives Dylans everywhere a very bad name). Here's what this goofwad had to say:

"Are things in our country so bad that it might actually be time for a revolution? The answer obviously is yes. The only question is how to do it."

This particular segment involved Ratigan's interview with ultra-radical leftist Ted Rall, who for good measure chimed in with these brilliant words of his own: "The people have an obligation to revolt . . . The American left has been very peaceful since the early '70s, and where has it gotten us?"

Beyond the completely moronic nature of this kind of rhetoric, here's additionally why it's so hilarious: The American far left inhabits less than 20% of the American population. And they're the ones who are going to fight a revolution?! Them and what army! What are they going to do, anyway -- try to shout and insult us to death?!
