Monday, November 8, 2010

MSNBC Pundit Lawrence O'Donnell: "I Am a Socialist! I Live to the Extreme Left of Mere Liberals!" In All Seriousness: I Admire His Honesty & Courage.

Those statements by O'Donnell (pictured immediately above) came on Friday's "Morning Joe" program on far left-dominated broadcast news network MSNBC (link to full story at bottom). He was debating the future course of the democrat party with "progressive" blogger Glenn Greenwald, who vehemently questions whether there should be any meaningful place in the democrat party for so-called "moderate" "Blue Dogs." O'Donnell very much disagrees with Greenwald's sentiments, ranting as follows:

"Glenn, unlike you, I am not a progressive. I am not a liberal who is so afraid of the word that I had to change my name to progressive. Liberals amuse me. I am a socialist. I live to the extreme left, the extreme left of you mere liberals, okay? However, I know this about my country. Liberals are 20 percent of the electorate. Conservatives are 41 percent of the electorate, okay?...You can sit there and pretend that liberals should run more liberal in conservative districts. You love the loss of the Blue Dogs. The only way, the only way you have a chairman Barney Frank, there's only one way, that's by electing Blue Dogs. It's the only way. That's the only way you have a Speaker Pelosi."

O'Donnell's remarks have faced widespread criticism from the right-wingers today, but I have a completely different take that I have not read or heard anywhere else on the Net: Serious kudos to O'Donnell for being honest about who he is and having the courage to be honest about it.

One of my leading criticisms of the American far left is how its members incessantly try to hide whom they really are, hide what they really believe in, hide what they really want to accomplish, and hide the true objectives of the policies and legislation they espouse. In this regard, O'Donnell is a true breath of fresh air.

Put another way, let's get the truth out there and then debate it on its own merits! If you truly believe it would be the good and right thing for the United States to move as far down the road towards a socialist state as possible, then say that and we can debate whether that's the right course of action! If you think the ideal endgame is a single payer/government controlled health care system, then admit it and let's debate the merits!

I'm sick and tired in recent years of the American far left pussyfooting around their real beliefs and constantly trying to hide whom they really are. They will get much more respect from me and many Independents if they would just stop that foolishness (which fools no one) so that we can get down to debating whether, in fact, a far leftist America is truly the right direction for the country.

I disdain people who try to gain power disingenuously by acting like they are something they are not (see the Obama 2008 presidential campaign). Have the balls to stick up for whom you really are and what you really stand for, just once, American far left, and then we get around to debating that direction. Until then, you'll find that I and many Independents have little place for paying one ounce of attention to you.

One final thought: O'Donnell is also right on when he gets at the fact that the democrat party does itself absolutely no favors when it sacrifices and forces out its non-leftist so-called "moderates." The republican party similarly does itself no favors in such regard, but yet continues to do the very same thing.

These two parties for a number of years now have both been on a continuous track of destructively moving farther to their extremes and having little place within their ranks for anyone except loony left-wingers and deranged right-wingers. In short, these are not our fathers' or our grandfathers' democrat or GOP parties. The result is that at least 50% of the country, if not more, is not represented in any way, shape or form by either party.

This endless cycle of the further extremification (if that's a word) of the two parties can only continue for so long until a third party emerges to represent the unrepresented throngs and to replace one of the two current parties. But in what kind of sorry shape will the country be in by then? That's what I worry about on a daily basis. And I know this: More honestly by these partisans, like that exhibited by Lawrence O'Donnell on Friday, is only a good thing, and I will always welcome it.