Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Feel Sorry For My Beloved Show-Me State: They Have a Rotten "Choice" Between Two Political Slimeballs For the U.S. Senate This Fall.

First, don't even get me started on republican Roy Blunt. He's the consummate DC insider -- dude loves DC and being a part of the action and social scene there. He belongs on The Real Housewives of DC. He's also a career politician and the ultimate political fat cat. He needs to retire, or be retired by the voters. I could never vote for him for any office.

But that brings me to the democrat party's candidate, Robin Carnahan. [BTW, I love saying "democrat party" -- they hate that!] A part of Missouri's Carnahan political dynasty, Carnahan's little different from Blunt and certainly no better. Just look at some of the utterly outrageous things her campaign has been doing recently. From today's CNN Political Ticker (link to full story at bottom):

Carnahan has the democrat party's (there I go again) senatorial campaign committee out there running ads attacking Blunt for voting for the 2008 bailout of the financial industry. So what, you might ask? Well, the nerve and hypocrisy of any democrat criticizing someone for voting for the 2008 bailout (or any of the subsequent bailouts) is absolutely sickening. It was democrat party votes that were largely responsible for passing the 2008 legislation.

And Carnahan's sliminess and insults to the intelligence of Missouri voters get even worse: Turns out, as included in the CNN piece, that Carnahan is on public record expressing her own support for the 2008 bailout! Specifically, Blunt's minions have produced a video clip on which Carnahan said the 2008 bailout was "absolutely" a good piece of legislation necessary to preventing a worsening of the economic situation in late 2008.

But alas! Carnahan, the Missouri Secretary of State, never had to vote on the 2008 bailout because she wasn't in Congress! So apparently she feels it's fair game to criticize someone for voting for it even though she clearly would have voted for it herself if she'd been in Congress at the time! Slimy, scuzwad stuff, folks.

I no longer live within the borders of Missouri, rather only work there. So I have no vote in the Missouri race for Senate. But I'll tell ya one thing: I could never, ever, vote for either of the two a$$clowns that our two illustrious political parties have seen fit to plaster on the November ballot. Never. Instead, I would do what I most typically do: Refuse to make a choice between the lesser of two evils, and just vote for a third party candidate (there's always at least one) as a protest vote. It's a matter of principle with me.

I'm often told by conservatives and liberals that there's no place for people like me. I'm an anomaly, a relic, a weirdo, a freak and a mealy-mouth! [Who are they calling a mealy-mouth, BTW?!] I have to pick a side one of these days, they always tell me. Well, Nuts to that $hit! That's just not the way I roll. It's called freedom of mind and spirit, and I'll never throw that away in order to join either of these two extremist-controlled, out-of-touch BS parties.