Monday, June 21, 2010

"Rahm, U Lie"?

That's Sarah Palin's new Twitter blast to White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, following Emanuel's statements over the weekend on ABC's This Week. After the much criticized "apology" of Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) to the BP CEO last week (in which Barton accused dems and the White House of conducting a "shakedown" of BP), Emanuel on This Week tried to attribute that same sentiment to the republican party at large. Palin's full Twitter retort:

“RahmEmanuel= as shallow/narrowminded/political/irresponsible as they come,to falsely claim Barton's BP comment is 'GOP philosophy'Rahm,u lie.”

OK. Plenty to criticize here all the way around. First, just as I yesterday criticized that old coot in Missouri for trying to sum up democrats everywhere as "parasites," I will also criticize Emanuel for attributing Barton's sentiments (which were widely denounced by many repubs) to republicans everywhere. But does that make Emanuel a "liar" in this instance? Of course not. He's simply expressing an opinion, as misplaced as that opinion might be. So as has become fairly typical of Palin, her rhetoric here is the over-the-top and not really appropriate. (See also the third-grade-style namecalling -- "shallow/narrowminded/political/irresponsible").

And completely leaving aside its substance, what's with that Twitter message? A person who is supposed to have presidential aspirations using "u" for "you" and cramming words together just so they will fit within the 140-character limit for tweets? And an equal sign? Memo to Sarah: If your message won't fit within 140 characters, then divide it into two messages! Many people, including myself, often do precisely what she did in terms of using abbreviations and cramming words together in tweets -- but none of us are public figures of the highest order and/or potential candidates for president someday. I realize that this is the new Twitter/Facebook era of communication in America, but that doesn't mean that all rules are out the window.