Today U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman in Louisiana granted a preliminary injunction against the moratorium, effectively halting it. "We will immediately appeal," proclaimed Robert Gibbs at the White House. Said the Judge in his decision:
"The court is unable to divine or fathom a relationship between the findings [of a government report following the recent BP Deepwater Horizon rig explosion & oil spill] and the immense scope of the moratorium . . . The blanket moratorium, with no parameters, seems to assume that because one rig failed and although no one yet fully knows why, all companies and rigs drilling new wells over 500 feet also universally present an imminent danger."
Key words here: "No one yet fully knows why" the explosion occurred. Now, that's funny! I thought it was settled that BP is absolutely to blame, liable and legally responsible for the explosion and the oil spill? I mean, just ask Obama, right? (Nevermind that no such determination has yet been made by any court of law or jury -- you know, that pesky little Due Process thing in the 5th and 14th Amendments?)
After all, Obama decreed from on high that BP is fully responsible and told BP -- lest BP wanted to incur the full wrath of the White House and the Congress it controls -- that BP shall (there was no request involved) set up the $20 billion fund to be controlled by one of Obama's "czars" for payouts to persons allegedly damaged by the spill. Republicans, out of political correctness and with their eyes completely focused on polling data, have followed along with Obama -- lock, stock and barrel.
Well, I'm an Independent, and so I need not worry about polls or someone yanking a cushy committee chair from me. And a lot of what I've been watching go on with this story is rather frightening from an administration (and a complicit republican party) that seems much more focused on playing golf and rushing to judgment to blame people for the spill rather than stopping the leak and cleaning up the damn spill to begin with. As I've stated now a number of times in this space, so many of us Independents really cannot wait to see your party in November, Mr. President (and we're gonna kick some repub incumbents to the curb as well).
"The court is unable to divine or fathom a relationship between the findings [of a government report following the recent BP Deepwater Horizon rig explosion & oil spill] and the immense scope of the moratorium . . . The blanket moratorium, with no parameters, seems to assume that because one rig failed and although no one yet fully knows why, all companies and rigs drilling new wells over 500 feet also universally present an imminent danger."
Key words here: "No one yet fully knows why" the explosion occurred. Now, that's funny! I thought it was settled that BP is absolutely to blame, liable and legally responsible for the explosion and the oil spill? I mean, just ask Obama, right? (Nevermind that no such determination has yet been made by any court of law or jury -- you know, that pesky little Due Process thing in the 5th and 14th Amendments?)
After all, Obama decreed from on high that BP is fully responsible and told BP -- lest BP wanted to incur the full wrath of the White House and the Congress it controls -- that BP shall (there was no request involved) set up the $20 billion fund to be controlled by one of Obama's "czars" for payouts to persons allegedly damaged by the spill. Republicans, out of political correctness and with their eyes completely focused on polling data, have followed along with Obama -- lock, stock and barrel.
Well, I'm an Independent, and so I need not worry about polls or someone yanking a cushy committee chair from me. And a lot of what I've been watching go on with this story is rather frightening from an administration (and a complicit republican party) that seems much more focused on playing golf and rushing to judgment to blame people for the spill rather than stopping the leak and cleaning up the damn spill to begin with. As I've stated now a number of times in this space, so many of us Independents really cannot wait to see your party in November, Mr. President (and we're gonna kick some repub incumbents to the curb as well).