Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Does Obama Have a Petty Bias Against
Great Britain Due to Events of the Past?
Sure Looks That Way. & Why Hasn't Anyone Ever Asked Him About It?!

I heard a minute today of deranged right-winger Glenn Beck's radio show, on which he was talking about how Obama's grandfather was brutally tortured for two years (circa 1949-1950) by the British in Kenya during that country's fight for independence from British colonial rule. Beck seemed to treat this story as if it is something new, which it is not, but it most certainly begs the question of why Obama has never been asked about it.

Specifically, I have never seen anyone in the media ask Obama what impact his grandfather's torture has had on Obama's British policy and his behavior towards the British. And even before his election, Obama should have been asked the impact this would have on his British policy, given that Great Britain has historically been America's most imporant ally. Did the MSM (mainstream media) simply drop the ball, or was it deliberate? Regardless, they've really screwed the pooch on this one, since it appears very clear to me that Obama's grandfather's ordeal has impacted the way Obama has dealt with Britain. Let's run through the timeline, shall we?

-December 3, 2008: From google searches, it does not appear that the information concerning the torture of Obama's grandfather came out until multiple media outlets (primarily British ones and Fox News) reported it on 12/3/08 -- a full month after Obama was already elected.

-Mid-February, 2009: Three weeks after his inauguration, Obama abruptly sends a Winston Churchill bust packing back to Britain. The bust had been in the White House on loan from Britain since after 9-11.

-First week of March, 2009: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife travel to DC. Obama tells the Brits at the last minute he wouldn't personally be attending the joint press conference that was planned upon Brown's arrival. In line with diplomatic tradition, Brown during the delegation gives Obama a pen holder made from wood of the famous British warship, the HMS Resolute, as well as the framed commission from that ship. Obama in return dispatches a staffer to Wal-Mart to pick out 25 DVD movies to give to Brown, none of which works in Eurpoean DVD players.

-Flash forward to 2010: A writer for Britain's Telegraph recently described Obama as "the most despised US president since Nixon among the British people." The Telegraph's article complained of the above-listed events as well as Obama's "boot on the throat" campaign against BP ("instead of adopting a constructive, statesmanlike approach") -- a campaign which Telegraph and apparently the British people blame for wiping out half the value of Great Britain's largest company and threatening BP's future as well as the pensions of 18 million British people. And it also hasn't gone unnoticed that just for good measure, Obama has rejected all offers of help from Great Britain (as well as those from other European countries) to help out with the oil spill.

And these are just some examples revealed from a quick google search. I'm sure that further searching would detail other gaffes, slights, and disrespects doled out by the Obama White House towards Britain. The Telegraph concludes that "we are witnessing one of the worst exercises in public diplomacy by a US government in recent memory, one that could cause significant long-term damage to the incredibly important economic and political partnership between Great Britain and the United States." And is that because of or in part due to events that occurred to an Obama ancestor 60 years ago? I think likely so. But we'll never get an answer, now will we, since the MSM -- asleep at the wheel as usual -- apparently will never ask that very relevant question.
