But regardless. In actuality, Bigfoot is one of the most unique creatures in the annals of world history in that (1) he does not exist but (2) yet never seems to completely die out. Dude's always making a comeback! He was Evander Holyfield before Real Deal was cool. And forget Al Gore -- here's the real Inconvenient Truth: Bigfoot will not be discovered because there is no such thing! But it can be fun to make believe sometimes, right? And so it is that Bigfoot today sits near the top of Yahoo!'s list of hottest trending news topics.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Bigfoot?! Not Again!
Trending atop today's national news, we've got a so-called "Sasquatch expert" in Virginia claiming that he's on the verge of discovering a Bigfoot, and we've got new Bigfoot sightings in neighboring North Carolina (see the two links at bottom). Didn't we get enough of this on April 1!? (See: http://independentrage.blogspot.com/2010/04/shock-carcass-of-bigfoot-similar.html). And BTW, isn't calling oneself a "Sasquatch expert" rather akin to me calling myself a vampire expert or an expert on virtuous, honest politicians?